Understanding of spatiotemporal variability of people’s sense of seasons in Northeast Asia by “social seasonal sensing”
Shin Nagai (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
The aim of this study is to resolve the following two research questions. First, how and why did people acquire the sense of seasons in a certain place? Second, how does the people’s sense of seasons change under climate change? Towards this, by analyzing the spatiotemporal variability of people’s interests on the Internet (search engine statistics), we try to clarify (1) the spatial characteristics of people’s sense of seasons in Northeast Asia (Far East Russia, Korea, and Japan), (2) the factor of their acquisition, and (3) stability and vulnerability of people’s sense of seasons to climate change. Our unique and creative interdisciplinary study tries to integrate among traditional phenological study (biometeorology), climatology, geography, ethnography, folklore, and current advanced informatics.