The origin of color categories: Exploring the diversity of color perception through natural scenes and language data
Keiko Sato (Kagawa University)
Does the origin of color categorization stem from external characteristics—that is, the structure of the physical color environment? This study tackles this question computationally by utilizing large-scale sampling of the physical color environment and a dataset of color- naming responses. If humans construct unique perceptual color spaces based on their visual environment, then the chromatic structure of natural scenes may influence not only the culture and industrialization of a given region but also color perception and categorization. Focusing on 110 non-industrialized languages, this research analyzes the statistical color information extracted from natural scenes worldwide using Google Street View images in combination with basic color category data from the World Color Survey. Through this approach, we aim to determine whether the origin of color categorization is rooted in the external environment and to gain a theoretical and computational understanding of the process of color perception acquisition from a new perspective.