Deciphering the formation and growth of Sicán City through the interwoven relationships of humans, non-humans, and events
Go Matsumoto (Yamagata University)
The subject of this study is Sicán City, an urban archaeological site located in the northern North Coast of Peru. Previous studies on urbanism in the Central Andes have largely followed a binary framework, categorizing cities as either pilgrimage-ceremonial centers or oikos settlements. The Sicán City, however, does not fit neatly into either category: it was neither a site solely dedicated to temporary pilgrimages and ritual activities nor merely an extension of elite residences. The conventional interpretative models, which have predominantly focused on monumental architecture while neglecting peripheral areas and hinterlands, fail to adequately explain the formation process of such a city. These models also tend to classify inhabitants rigidly as either elites or non-elites, overlooking the more complex and dynamic social fabric that shaped urban life. A new approach is required—one that comprehensively examines the city from a broader perspective and considers a diverse range of actors beyond the binary elite/non-elite distinction. This includes not only human agents but also non-humans and phenomena, all of which played an active role in shaping urban dynamics. This study emphasizes the technological innovation of advanced metallurgy during the Sicán period, analyzing the co-creative relationships woven by humans, non-humans, and events. By doing so, it aims to elucidate the processes of Sicán City’s formation, development, and decline while proposing a new interpretative model for understanding its urban dynamics.