C02 Representation & Modeling

Exploring Cultural Evolutionary Dynamics via Multi-Dimentional Representation and Modeling of
Archaeological and Anthropological Data (Representation & Modeling Group)

The planned research C02 addresses the question “How have various materials changed and related to human cognition at different times and in different areas” in the following four steps. (1) In collaboration with A01, we collect three-dimensional data of diverse artefacts by laser scanning or photogrammetry to investigate their spatio-temporal patterns. (2) By analysing the statistical relationships between the spatiotemporal patterns of various artefacts including materials representing human cognition such as clay figurines, through collaboration with A01 and A02, we examine the evolutionary interactions between materials and human cognition. (3) Based on the results of (1) and (2), (3) we propose relevant questions for psychological or neuroscientific experiments and ethnological research for working together with A02, B01, and B02. Finally, (4) we construct an integrated model for the interactive cultural evolution of materials and human cognition, drawing on the biological results offered by C01 as well. The integrated model, based on a much larger dataset will be able to contribute to the construction of an innovative research area.

  • 2D photo and 3D model of Ongagawa pottery from the Tamura site, Kochi Prefecture (owned by Kochi Prefectural Cultural Property Center)

  • Measuring of Ongagawa pottery from the Takakura site (owned by Nanzan University Museum of Anthropology), Aichi Prefecture by SfM/MVS (Kaneda et al. 2022)

  • Plots of the results by geometric morphometrics on 3D data of human skeletal remains from the Kofun period (Nakao et al. 2024)
